Webbplatsintroduktion:ManuVision kropsbehandling hvor vi gennem pulserende massage, akutryk og rettelse af led og knogler genopretter balancen mellem krop og sind. nyckelord:
Webbplatsintroduktion:FMOs erbjuder professionell medicinsk massagebehandling och avslappnande healing. Boka din behandling idag och ta första steget mot en friskare kropp. nyckelord:
Webbplatsintroduktion:sportsperformance physiotherapy is a unique one-stop-shop multi-disciplinary allied health centre, located in Central, on Hong Kong Island , offering treatments for injuries, physiotherapeutic services and specialisation in sports performance. nyckelord:physiotherapists, physiotherapist hong kong,physiotherapist, sportsperformance, sports performance, sports related treatment, sports injury, sports injuries, acute injury, chronic injury, sports Science, hong kong elite athelete, hong kong recreational athlete, hong kong sports teams, hong kong coaches, physiological evaluation, sports nutrition, sports psychology, strength and conditioning, seminars, Jason Brockwell, Janice Morton, Aaron Smith,Doug Horne,David Bayldon,Gorman Ngai,Jonathan Savage, Keff Wong, Elvira Tong, Tim McCkosker, Sara Moore Sports injuries,Running assessments,Biomechanical assessments, Gait analysis,Pilates,Clinical pilates Rehabilitation,Rugby Injuries,Football injuries,Soccer injuries,Tennis injuries Squash injuries,Golfing injuries,Running injuries,Sprains,Strains,Fractures,Stress fractures,Dislocations,Tendinitis RSI, Carpal tunnel syndrome,Knee pain patella-femoral syndrome,Chondromalacia patella,Shin splints,ACL rupture, Cruciate ligaments, Meniscus injury, Plantar facilities, Heel spur, Ankle pain, Shoulder pain, dietitian, podiatry, massage, sports massage, ergonomic, focus shockwave therapy, breast cancer rehabilitation, postural assessments
Webbplatsintroduktion:Die Praxis in Zürich ist spezialisiert auf die Manuelle Lymphdrainage und
bietet zusätzlich ein grosses Angebot an klassischen Massagen,
Sportmassagen, Schröpftherapien und mehr. nyckelord:
Webbplatsintroduktion:Discover our wide range of body care products for all skin types. Natural and Organics. Eye bag romover/ massager. Experience the benefits of Korean skincare with KOKOs Organics. nyckelord: